Each and Everyone might look, act and speak differently, but all of us were born equal.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Healthier way to enjoy your Toast or your Sandwich !

Now adays, a lot of different types of food are scattered all over the world. It can be found in different food outlets such as; Fast-food chains, Restaurants, Eatery, Cafeteria, Food stalls and even Sidewalk stores. Different varieties of food are being offered in the said food outlets, food made from Chicken, Beef, Pork, Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, Rice, Pasta, Pastries and even Sandwiches. 

Actually, with the different food found around us is really questionable if it is healthy or not. Also, questions such as " How was it made?", "What are the flavorings in this?", "Is this clean?" and many more are asked by most people when buying it from outlets that has an image of not being healthy. Home-made dishes and dishes from Restaurants are considered as quality food but in other outlets, it may have the thought that is it unhealthy.

Even if these different types of delicious food are present, there are people that are very concern when it comes to the food that they are eating. People that are very sensitive when it comes to their figure. People that are very picky when it comes to the food that they will have even if there are a lot of different yummy dishes and snacks found just around the corner. Having this habit is not bad, it is actually good for the body and for their health but sometimes people with this habit tortures themselves in order for them not to gain weight or stay healthy. These people will choose not to eat a certain food because they believe that it is fattening so they will  focus on not to eat those. But sometimes, having this habit is not good as well, it is what you call, "killing yourself slowly". People can still eat what they like but in a healthier form, it is called Alternatives.

We will be focusing on one of the foods that are often eaten by most people but also being avoided because it is a source of Carbohydrates. This time, a healthier form will be introduced and I am talking about White Bread and Whole Wheat Bread as its alternative.

Difference between White Bread and Whole Wheat Bread 

When it comes to bread, it is a good alternative when it comes to eating rice because it has a lower Carbohydrates rate and it will make you feel full. It is considered healthier as well but some people still avoid eating bread because they are still concern about the Carbohydrates that they will get, but there is a better and even healthier alternative for it and it is Whole Wheat Bread. Eating White Bread is not bad but when it comes to health benefits and even body benefits, Whole Wheat Bread is way better.

How Whole Wheat Bread is better than White Bread .

These two kinds of bread are made from the same source which is the Wheat Berries. Wheat Berries are the one made as flour and it contains three main parts and these are the Bran, the Germ and the Endosperm. The big difference is that White bread is from White flour that contains only the Endosperm and it is considered as nutritional lightweight but for the Whole Wheat bread, it is made from Whole Wheat flour which contains all of the three where it is rich in Fiber, Magnesium, Zinc, Folic Acid, Chromium, Vitamins B6 and E. Each of the said nutrients are essential to your health.

From all the said nutrients of the Whole Wheat bread, Fiber is the main focus and very important. Fiber is known as an aid for digestive health. Eating food rich in Fiber can make you feel full in a longer time that is why Fiber helps a person lose or maintain its weight. Also, Fiber reduces the risk of having Strokes and Heart-Attacks. It is balanced as 8 to 1, it means that a person must eat 8 slices of White bread in order to get the same amount of Fiber found in just a slice of Whole Wheat bread. 

How to determine if it is Whole Wheat Bread .

It is actually easy to identify and it is by simply checking on the loaf, if you see that there are tiny bits of Whole grain in it, then it is Whole Wheat bread. Also, you can check the label when buying, it is simply says " Whole Wheat Bread" and the color of the bread is usually brown. Remember, Whole Wheat Bread is better the Wheat Bread, if it is not Whole Wheat, check again. Always read the label.


So, even if you are on a diet or you want to be healthy, there are a lot of ways to enjoy food and not torture yourself. It is much better than having yourself suffer not eating what you like because you can actually do but in a healthier form which is finding an alternative for it. Remember that Life is good, and it will depend on us on how are we going to make it better, by better I mean having what we want. It is not bad to change your routines or try something new as long as you make sure that you know and it is proven as real. It is better to live healthy and happy than healthy but tortured. Always remember that a food will be healthy if all ingredients of it are healthy but if only 1 ingredient is healthy and the rest is not, it is not considered as healthy. 



References :
  • http://calorie-count.us/white-vs-whole-wheat-bread/
  • http://www.vegetariantimes.com/article/white-bread-vs-wheat-bread/