Each and Everyone might look, act and speak differently, but all of us were born equal.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

UNO ~ An effective helping hand for everyone !

There are a lot of networking companies found in the Philippines, a lot are focusing in different fields. Some are still up and some are already on the tip of closing down the company. Running a networking company is indeed very complicated, it will depend on how the people will move and do something to make it bigger and it will depend on the market or other people on how they will support and trust the company. 

It is very difficult to trust a networking company because of poor news and bad images coming from different people that keeps on saying that they already know what networking is, but the truth is, they don't know anything about it, they are just saying those but the truth is they don't have any idea about it. Maybe they heard something or experienced something, but it doesn't mean that all networking companies are the same.

If you hear anything regarding networking, don't judge first, don't think any negative thought about it first, try to research first the background of the company because you might not know, that company may be a success for you. I know it is not easy to believe networking but the key to success is FAITH, DETERMINATION and especially being POSITIVE. It will not hurt you if you will focus and believe because the saying "TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE" is real.

UNO is a networking company and it is actually the leading networking company here in the Philippines. First is because, it's now on its 5th year and it keeps on getting stronger. Another, there are results that shows that this is real, there are already millionaires coming out of UNO. Also, this company has a lot of offices found all over the country and already starting to sweep the nation. Plus, it is starting to go international.

UNO is a big company, we also sell products but we focus on products that are concern to people's health. Products offered by UNO are definitely effective, you can see results online and these products are safe to consume or to use. 

These are some of the products offered by UNO

I know there is a big question, why trust UNO? First is, UNO will not reach 5 years if there is something wrong happening. Another, UNO will not have different offices in the country if it is not real. And, UNO will not have MANNY PACQUIAO as an endorser, plus BIG PERSONALITIES will not support UNO if this is fake or if this is a scam.

Manny Pacquiao as UNO's endorser

UNO is a company that offers business to people, it can be full-time or even part-time. There are no requirements needed if you want to join. Just always remember, it will not be difficult if you are dedicated and focused because people from UNO will help you to practice and be familiar.

Successful believers of UNO

I am actually a proud member of UNO, I am a member for a week already and right now, I am already enjoying myself, a lot of people will  be with you all the time, meeting millionaires and the training plus the experience that is very rare but you will definitely treasure it.
There are a lot of important things, I mean very important things to know about UNO, serious things to know about life and serious things that will definitely help you and your family. Everything in UNO is a serious matter, it all discusses the reality of life.

If you want to learn more about UNO and if you are interested, it is easy, you will just do simple things. First is to contact me, then BELIEVE, and the most important things to do is to LISTEN. Listening is the key to this business, from starting to end, Listening is the only key. UNO is a big company, it has a reputation to take care of, and telling lies will definitely not help build that reputation, so just trust us or even me, because I myself experienced doubting but you will never know unless you try.

* If you DO NOT have a DREAM, then might as well QUIT LIFE *

For further questions and inquiries, call or text ~ 09154414745



* Pictures courtesy of :
  • http://www.sulit.com.ph/index.php/view+classifieds/id/4156382/UNO+International+Corporation
  • http://www.sulit.com.ph/index.php/view+classifieds/id/4758762/UNO+the+best+Products+Health+Beauty+and+Wellness
  • https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unlimited-Network-of-Opportunities/114338788587272?ref=ts
  • http://www.sulit.com.ph/index.php/view+classifieds/id/5114288/Uno+Networking+Low+Investment+3850php+with+20pcs+Glutathione+Soap

A SOAP for whiter, smoother and healthier skin !

Everyone of us is of course taking a bath everyday, to stay clean and comfortable everyday. Plus, it gives confidence to people because they know that they are clean and they smells good. As we take a bath each and every day, of course we use soap, to remove dirt from our body and also to give fragrance to our body.

Each people has different taste when it comes to the soap that they will use, some uses the brand that they trust, some uses the type that they will like such as Papaya soaps or soaps with Moisturizers and etc, some focuses on using soaps that are cheaper compared to others just to cut the expenses.

Most people uses a soap that will make them WHITER and will make their skin SMOOTHER. Women are usually a fan of soaps such as these but some of men are using this as well, to make them look even better.


UNO Company is offering a soap that has the benefits of WHITER skin and even SMOOTHER. How will this soap make a person white? No, this is not because of any Papaya extract, but because this soap has Glutathione in it. It makes the skin of a person even whiter and it is effective way better than papaya soaps or any whitening soaps.

The name of the product is GLUTASOAP !

Glutasoap has a unique blend of nature's gift of grapeseed oil, Glutathione and Rosehips extracts making up a SUPERIOR WHITENING and ANTI-AGING soap. Now, IMPROVED with VITAMIN C that provides you greater protection against UV Rays. Vitamin C also increases the production of collagen and decreases the look of fine lines and pigmentation that are the results of aging. Regular use gently and effectively exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities giving you healthy, radiant and glowing skin. Glutathione Soap is made in cold process to preserve the freshness of its extract ingredients.

UNO products are not fake, there are results and it is indeed very effective. A lot of people uses this product and keep asking for more. Take note, the company will not be standing and leading for 5 years until now if the products are fake and not being supported. (Check this link for proof ; http://enriconoriel.blogspot.com/2012/06/5-years-and-counting.html).

The price of this product is way cheaper than brands with the same products that has the same effect but as you buy their product, you will also be paying for their brand name. 

It is not bad to try or to risk, you will not know unless you try. But one thing I will stand for, this product is not dangerous and it doesn't have any side effects. It won't hurt unless you try, nothing will lose unless you try but I assure you, nothing will be changed unless you try.

So what are you waiting for? try our product and you will also have a Whiter, Smoother and Healthier skin !

For prices and inquiries, call or text me at this number-09154414745, then negotiation will follow .


5 years and counting !

Each and everyone of us are wanting to attend shows of our favorite personalities such as different actors and actresses, also comedians but the most awaited concerts are from singers and bands. Local or International concerts are usually sold-out and it is definitely obvious that it is because of the people that really supports them and those that has the urge to watch the concert.

Here in the Philippines, International personalities are already starting to make noise when it comes to having a concert month by month and since Filipinos love music, concerts will be sold-out especially if the performers are really famous and good, no matter how expensive the concert is, it will not be a problem just to make sure that they will be watching the concert. The same as how they treat local personalities that will be having a concert as well.

This 9th day of June 2012, a company will be celebrating its 5th Anniversary in the business and with that celebration, the number 1 main attraction will be the BIG CONCERT. There will be a lot of guests attending and performing for the concert, and this will be held at the newly opened stadium that will definitely be another big attraction for most people. 

The company that will be celebrating its 5th year Anniversary is the leading networking company here in the Philippines, UNO ( Unlimited Networking Opportunities Int'l Corp. ). UNO is a networking company that offers different products concerning the health of its market. Products offered by UNO are not "JUST products", it is proven that it works and there are results found. UNO will not reach its 5th year if it is not successful and if its products are not effective.

UNO Company

The concert that will happen is a celebration for UNO's 5th year in the business. It is said that it will be a big concert because of the personalities that will be performing such as BAMBOO and ELY BUENDIA. Many people are not confident with this, but it is real, they will be there. UNO is a big company that has a reputation to take care of, and telling lies will definitely not help them with their reputation so this is 100% sure. Other personalities that will be there are big names from the Philippines, different very famous actors and actresses. Names are not shown because the organizers want it to be a surprise, but it is assured that the payment for this event will definitely be worth it. 

Poster of the event

*Note : In this concert, guests will not be forced to be a member, non of those will happen. It will be mostly a celebration and then guests are invited just for them to see what UNO is and how it works. ( so, do not be nervous, I assure you, this will be a blast! )

The concert will be happening at the newly opened stadium in the Philippines, it is HUGE, GRAND and it is IMAGED INTERNATIONALLY! It is ... the SM MALL OF ASIA ARENA !!! UNO is one of the very first to use the MOA ARENA, and guests will be lucky to be part of it because they will be one of the first to enter the MOA Arena. ( you already have the bragging rights! *wink* ). SM MOA ARENA is beautiful, huge and well-designed, it's been featured already in different local TV shows. Another great news, it is NEW, that is why it is exciting because the hype is still there. UNO's 5th year celebration at the MOA Arena, WOW!!!


Inside view

Outside View


Good news are not yet stopping there. A Grand Celebration, Concert of great Bands and big Celebrities in the Philippines. Plus, happening at the newly opened SM MOA Arena! Already enough right? But it's not, UNO would want people to feel special. Prices for the tickets of the said event are being asked, this BIG & SPECIAL EVENT at a VERY , VERY AFFORDABLE PRICE! NOT P1000.00 and NOT EVEN P500.00!!! ( Define AWESOME )

So what are you waiting for? Celebrate with us and we'll make sure that your money will not be wasted and especially your time. This will definitely be a BLAST!

( this is NOT a SCAM, this is REAL ! )

For tickets and inquiries, call or text at this number 09154414745 ...

(Go to this link, http://unojireh.multiply.com/journal/item/164, to see how the 4th year Anniversary went, because UNO made the 5th Anniversary much better. )


* Pictures courtesy of :
  • http://www.jmthebest.com/take-a-look-inside-the-mall-of-asia-arena-picture/
  • http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1469032&page=50&langid=6